Keep Business Running Smoothly
Welcome to 2023! A new year that will certainly bring new challenges in the commercial auto and garage insurance marketplace. If last year is any indication of things to come, we can once again expect a lot of insurance carrier appetite changes, as well as pricing increases within any given class of business. Each of these things can obviously cause stress in the lives of an insurance agent and your customers, but these same things can also create opportunities. Insureds are always on the search for better pricing, that’s a given, but when it comes to carrier appetite changes, some insureds will be forced search for a new insurer.
Here at Bloss & Dillard, we welcome the opportunity to help with your commercial auto and garage accounts. Whether you need assistance with a trucking risk needing a new insurer because of some adverse loss experience, a public livery account, a used car dealership, or an auto service or/or towing business, we may just have the market you need. Our carriers have years of experience in the marketplace, and our underwriting staff does too. Call upon BDI to help make your new year less stressful and more successful.