When the market presents a problem, Dwelling Basic is still your perfect solution. It’s a lovely home, but some issue (condition? occupancy? value?) is keeping it from full coverage. And market disruptions don’t make it any easier for your clients. When residential risks suddenly become harder to place, you can find a home with American […]
Do you have a risk in the name of an LLC, Trust, or Estate? Or a home being flipped to sell? If you do, we have a market for you! We can offer DP-1 and DP-3 quotes. DP-1 is available for all occupancies, including non-residential structures such as pole barns, garages, sheds, shelters, etc. DP-3 […]
Did you know that we specialize in hard-to-place homeowner’s policies? Have you ever had a client call with a home that is difficult to insure? Call us first to see if the risk is eligible. With our competitive markets, we can offer coverage for your high or low-value homes. We have a few different reliable […]
Looking for coverage on your vacant home that is undergoing renovations? We can help! Not only can we provide coverage for that scenario, but also for risks in the name of an estate, pending a sale, or between tenants. Not only can we offer terms for a dwelling, but a manufactured home as well. We […]
Looking for coverage on a mobile home? Let us help! We can offer competitive coverages and rates for most of your client’s specialty property and casualty risks.
Have you ever wondered if we offer coverage for seasonal homes? Good news, we do! Whether it’s a cabin in the woods, or a home by the lake, we’ve got you covered. We have several options we can tailor to fit your needs. It is not only important to cover your home and contents, but […]
Have you ever found yourself wishing you had flood coverage for your insured, but it was too late? Look no further. Bloss & Dillard has easy access to flood insurance through Neptune Flood. They have a painless, quick process to get a quote or even bind a policy in just minutes. Neptune offers additional coverage […]
Did you know American Modern offers coverage for motorsports? Give us a call and let us quote your next one today! We have several payment options, 2-pay-4-pay, 6-pay and monthly EFT.
If you’re in the market for a program that can insure your manufactured homes, we have one for you. American Modern continues to be the best company we have to offer coverage for your hard to place mobile homes. We can write all occupancies in any protection class. A unique coverage they offer under their […]
Do you have a home that is in the name of an estate? Or a home that is vacant under construction? If you do, we have a market for you. We have programs for dwellings basic (DP-1) or dwelling special (DP-3) risks. Dwelling basic is available for all occupancies including a non-resident standalone structure. Dwelling […]
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