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MDR and 2FA: Unlocking the Keys to Security

Acronyms….MDR, 2FA, SMB…..what do all these things mean?

  • MDR – managed detection and response
  • 2FA – two-factor authentication

So what do these have to do with you and your business? Let’s discuss that. MDR takes a proactive approach to cybersecurity. According to John Roberts, general manager of security at Coalition, in an article in Independent Agent magazine, MDR combines technology with human expertise, leveraging the alert and detection capabilities of endpoint detection and response (EDR) with human threat hunters who can respond to alerts in real-time. EDR tools are valuable for detecting suspicious activities, but they’re an imperfect solution if there’s no human expertise in place to take immediate and necessary actions. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to spot anomalous and known malicious activity, MDR can help businesses catch threat actors mid-attack. When security control detects suspicious activity, third-party human experts can intervene in numerous ways, including cutting the connection of a remote session, isolating impacted machines, or revoking privileges for compromised attacks.

2FA, two-factor authentication, is one of the most implemented and accepted security controls today as it is easy to understand and implement; primarily due to the fact that most, if not all, of your system users now have a mobile device through which 2FA can be utilized. 2FA adds an additional level of security to all your system logins; especially for remote network access.

Becoming familiar with MDR and 2FA will not only assist you in protecting your business but can also allow you to provide a value-add to your business by allowing you to share information about MDR and 2FA with your insureds. According to Tech Beacon, 31% of all targeted cyber-attacks are aimed at businesses with fewer than 250 employees. That is likely the footprint of 90% or more of your clientele. Between growing your knowledge of this technology and offering quotes for cybersecurity coverage, you will help your clients protect themselves against first-party losses and business interruption that can result from cyber-attacks. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me at ttooley@bloss-dillard.com.

Tate Tooley


Tate Tooley

As BDI continues moving forward and the world evolves, Tate is here for IT updates and ideas.

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